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Robinne Gray

Robinne Gray joined WVLT in 2022 as the Director of Resource Development to connect supporters to the land trust mission, building the capacity to preserve healthy land and clean water for all to enjoy. She grew up in the desert southwest (Salt River watershed) and has lived in the Finger Lakes region of central New York (St. Lawrence Seaway watershed) and the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC (Chesapeake Bay watershed).

Throughout her career Robinne has raised funds for educational, cultural, and faith-based organizations before finding her home in the environmental sector, working for national and local watershed organizations before joining the land trust. Robinne studied Urban Studies and City & Regional Planning at Cornell University, and likes to connect to the natural and cultural history that makes each city and region unique.

For fun, Robinne likes to nerd out about natural history and botany and enjoys hiking and paddling explorations around the region. She also loves all kinds of critters, wild and domesticated.

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