Blue Jean Ball

Save the Date
Camp Muffly
Morgantown, WV

Plans are underway for the 11th annual Blue Jean Ball! The Blue Jean Ball brings our regional community together to recognize and celebrate the special outdoor places that provide recreation and relaxation, promote health and wellness, and contribute to clean air and water. Parks, trails, and other natural areas also help bolster our economy by serving as a magnet for visitorship and tourism, boosting local tax revenue, while serving the local community. Previous events have helped us develop trails, increase access and safety, and upgrade trailheads and signage at Toms Run Preserve and along the Mon River and Deckers Creek Rail-Trails. More preserves and trails are under development!

We hope to see you there!


Thank you to our 2024 event sponsors!


Calvin Klein Sponsors:

Monongalia County Commission


Levi Sponsors:

cheat lake animal logo 3

DownstreamStrategiesLogo-4Color-vf_With Background and White Space

Chris and Kathy Gorski

Don and Julie Harding

March Westin logo






Wrangler Sponsors:


123 Pleasant Street

Appalachian Forest Restoration LLC

Brent Bailey and Liz Cohen

Chap and Tacy Donovan

Giuliani Properties

Pamela and William Guice

Larry Harris and Cindy O’Brien

Susan and Don Sauter

Dave Saville

MNR logo


Can we add you to the list? We are currently seeking 2023 event sponsors!

Past Event Photos
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