Yellow Creek Natural Area

Location and Access

The Yellow Creek Natural Area is 860 acres in Tucker County that adjoins the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge and Little Canaan Wildlife Management Area. The property is named after a tributary of the Blackwater River that flows through the property. The property also includes Moon Rocks, a rock formation that is a popular destination for hikers and mountain bikers.

The property contains 4+ miles of the Moon Rocks-Hoodoo Rock loop trail, and links to 20+ miles of the Heart of the Highlands Trail System. Trail access can be made from the parking area at the National Youth Science Foundation building off Appalachian Corridor H just north of Davis, or from Camp 70 road at the south end of the Tucker County town.


Planning Your Trip:

This property contains very rugged terrain. Plan for it.
• Pack it in, pack it out.
• Clean up after yourself and your pets.
• Keep pets on leash or under voice command.
• Day use only. Camping is not permitted.
• Stay on the trail. You will cross private property and sensitive habitats.
• Off-road vehicles are not permitted.
• In case of emergency, dial 911.

• Carry a trail map.
• Be prepared: this property contains rugged terrain and experiences rapidly changing weather conditions—plan for it.
• Check the weather and dress accordingly.
• Wear sturdy shoes.
• Carry water.
• Creek floodwaters are swift & strong: Turn around, don’t drown.
• Cell phone service is not guaranteed. Be safe and prepared.
• Plan your route to match your ability and trail difficulty as described on the map.

donate now website

While we now own the property, we still need funds for management, maintaining the trail system, and ecological restoration.

We bought the Moon!

In September 2019, we bought the moon with the support of four major grant funders, several local businesses, and 228 individuals from 19 states! This property will be permanently protected by the West Virginia Land Trust and open for public outdoor recreation use for future generations to enjoy.

Many thanks to our local businesses and friends who have supported the campaign!


“I’m very excited that the Land Trust is doing this. It’s really a hopeful, exciting time for mountain bikers and all recreationalists and supporters of conservation.” – Sue Haywood of the Blackwater Bike Association


“People come here (Tucker County) for the trails and outdoor recreation, and that is why it’s important to have this area protected!” – Melissa Borowitz of Hellbender Burritos


Chip Chase of Whitegrass Ski Center wants to call out to all his skiers and say how great Moon Rocks is… “I’ve skied it and its great rolling terrain. This place has a monopoly on the outdoor world, in the sense that we have a real true winter here. And its just fantastic to think that there’s more acreage out there for outdoor rec and this is the time to get on the bandwagon and help out!”


Recreation at Yellow Creek Natural Area

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