Little Bluestone Community Forest

Let’s Build a Forest!

The West Virginia Land Trust is leading the fundraising and land protection efforts to purchase 370 acres in Summers County for the purpose of creating a community forest. The land neighbors the National Park Service Bluestone National Scenic River and surrounds the Cooper’s Mill historic site owned by the Summers County Commission. In 2020, the Summers County community approached the WVLT to partner on the purchase and preservation of the Little Bluestone property.

Funder support will allow WVLT acquire the forest and manage it for community benefits, providing additional public access and recreational opportunities on the Little Bluestone River while also protecting vital water supplies and wildlife habitat. To date, 211 acres of this project have been protected.

WVLT has accessed funding for this project from a variety of other funders including the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, West Virginia Outdoor Heritage Conservation Fund, American Water Charitable Foundation, and USDA Forest Service Community Forest Program – this project is the first awarded by the program in West Virginia.

Supporters of this community forest project include Senator Capito, Senator Manchin, National Park Service, Summers County Commission, State Senator Woodrum, Representative Miller, Summers County Historical Society, City of Hinton, Hinton Area Foundation, Summers County Historic Landmark Commission, and the West Virginia Division of Forestry.

Preserve Management Plans

After acquisition of the property, WVLT will continue to work with the Summers County Historical Society, Summers County Commissioners, and other community supporters to manage the forestland for community benefits such as recreational trails, nature education, and historical interpretation of Cooper’s Mill. This will include working with the National Park Service to create a trail connection to the Bluestone Turnpike Trail.

This property is not open to the public at this time. Access to the site for regular public use will be subject to development of access, parking, and trails.

Community Comments
Each special place has unique attribute and purposes that will frame the site’s development. While we are developing our recreation areas for public use, we are open to your comments! Click here to make a suggestion.

Those interested in supporting the campaign to purchase and develop this nature preserve for public use, may donate by clicking here and designate your gift to the Little Bluestone Community Forest project.


Recreation at Little Bluestone Community Forest

Coming Soon
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